Thursday, February 28, 2013

6 months is that all?!

I started out telling myself I would give him 6 months and then re-evaluate. It really seems to me he's been here longer than half a year. Jester has enjoyed much daily attention, turnout, good food and supplements, and a variety of professional treatments. Most recently, his favorite bodyworker gave him laser and massage to his remaining tight spots. Right pectoral muscles, and psoas-iliacus muscle on the hind quarters. He has targeted magnet therapy for two weeks, in addition to with poultice on his chest and shoulder, and doing friction massage on scar tissue in the right hindquarter. We are anticipating a return to upright and free flowing movement in the hinds, and a return of his lovely lope. Giving it our best! And Jester really likes his massage. Re-evaluation? positive.Jester moves well on his feet- but he doesn't like it when there's a bulge of dirt and/or manure on the sole. He isn't getting worked now- just turnout 24x7, with company part of the time. He does wander the pasture more and more! Trim notes: every 2 wks, refresh fore breakover, lower medial heel on hinds, hind breakover refreshed. LF toe Sole abscess tissue nearly grown out- new sole completely covers area beneath it. Hoofs retain rippling from halfway point downward, but mushroom flares are nearly gone!! Another month max :) Looking forward to getting rid of that lamellar wedge and seeing the true hoof emerge. Diet: Just phased in Lakin Lite, (with much trepidation, since it contains molasses)... Added SmartFlex Senior (1x/day). Current bucket is 2 lb Integrity Lite, soaked, 2 lb presoaked Lakin Lite pellets, a handful of black oil sunflower seeds, CA Trace vites/minerals. He loves his twice a day bucket, and all day grass hay. Coat is shiny and soft! He has a little more energy since getting back to Lakin Lite (fortified alfalfa+bermuda pellets) With his favorite tree friend- it's hilarious how he likes its company. He'll stand by it when the mares are out with him. Security blanket tree?  photo P1233313_zps6b7c7fc7.jpg Today  photo IMG_20130228_105820.jpg hooves today- hinds- note cracks in outer wall- still growing out old weak wall  photo IMG_20130228_105137.jpg  photo IMG_20130228_105405.jpg L fore with old abscess visible.  photo IMG_20130228_104655-1.jpg

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Trim adjustment. time to call the bodyworker

Got working with the rasp on Sunday... backed up the right front toe, and took the heel down still more. Did some cosmetic cleanup on both fores... and backed the toes on the hinds. He was sore with the adjustment on the right fore, so I gave him more boot time for a few days, off and on. Lands flat on both fores now :) So now the focus is shifting to the lack of hindquarter coordination at the lope. Will get the bodyworker here soon.