Friday, May 16, 2014

Happily on the verge of Summer

The past few months Jester has had it easy, just giving an occasional lesson and trail ride. He was muscle sore and hitting toe first on the right hind a lot after the show. I suspect he gets too tense in the trailer alone. Backing out of the trailer he nearly scrambled, perhaps exacerbating the soreness. So he got some magnet therapy, massage and laser, and I am keeping the breakover backed on the hind toes about every three weeks. Fore hoofs I am trimming only toe flare, and minimal heel trimming. Right fore still requires heel trimming, as it is his "grass foot"- habitually stands with it behind the vertical. His sole is still on the thin side, but with less frequent trimming he is happier and tolerates most surfaces. if he has to be in the stall (irrigation time) he stiffens up, but a few days of freedom takes care of it. He may need a size up in boots for the left fore soon, as it has widened. 2W on that side, Renegades! 2 on the right. Hinds haven't needed boots in a long time. He is getting ivermectin about every three weeks to ward off summer sores. So far so good, but the sweet itch is already plaguing him. Rounding out the armor is Fly mask, fly boots, fly spray, Smart Bug-off supplement. He feels good and is always happy to lip nibble on me while I scratch him... mutual grooming... Just no TEETH! I only had to remind him once. Note to self- lots of breaks on hinds while trimming to avoid sacro-iliac irritation.