Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Amazing! First ride to S. Mtn.

Hey guys, it's me, Jester. Did you hear my news? My feet don't hurt anymore. I love going out for rides and showing off my gilded coat and regal appearance! I even went to South Mountain last Saturday morning with the prettiest little mare in the world... That paint cutie in the opening photo. We passed by a canal, a park, a scary fire hydrant (I'm sure it was going to bite my hind leg off), and lots of cars. Then we got into a wonderful place with soft and hard trails, ups and downs, and even stairs to climb. I hopped up them like a bunny. That was a blast! I felt so good afterwards. I got a shower and a bucket full of delicious feed, and the rest of the day off. What a day! What a life! I get to give kids riding lessons three days a week, have longer workouts once or twice a week, and munch munch munch all the grass I want. Oh, yeah, there's this little pony here keeping me company-her name's Taffy. What a brat... likes to nip at me to make me move. Ah, well, at least I don't get all stiff from standing around too long! Enjoy my photos. Don't I look terrific?!  photo cactus2.jpg  photo mtnsmile.jpg  photo mountainsmilestoo.jpg

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Still pinching myself

May 26, 2013. Jester is not lame anymore. JESTER IS NOT LAME ANYMORE!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! He does creak in the hocks, needs warming up for at least ten minutes to be able to lope well, but he can do a collected and balanced walk, jog, trot, lope and canter. An old friend of his came to ride him today. He wore fore boots only. We rode about two hours, including half an hour or so of putting him through his paces. What a thrill to see him move so well!! I rode him twice more last week, with no evidence of sore feet. I lowered the RF heel twice more, and refreshed his breakover on the hinds. He grows quickly on the hind toes. The RF is the only foot that is distorted now, and lands flat or slightly toe first. He moves freely and willingly at all times. May 31, 2013 Jester has a new job- he is now teaching kids to ride and handle a horse. He has two students, a ten year old boy and a nine year old girl. He prefers the girl, but he behaves well for both. So now he is earning his keep :) Since his favorite speed is zero mph, he is perfect for beginners. Such a babysitter! June 5, 2013 Appetite is good, he's dealing well with the heat (105+ high temps daily now). He enjoys his twice daily bucket of 3 lb Lakin Lite, 2 lb Integrity Senior non molasses version, once a day Smart Flex Senior (great stuff), a tablespoon of chia seed once a day, and a tablespoon of salt mixed in and all presoaked. He also enjoys bermuda pasture free choice and 2-3 flakes bermuda grass hay per day. Taffy is his only turnout companion now. His favorite buddy the paint mare has gone to her owner's home, along with Honey my QH for company. He loves it when the little paint comes for a visit, though he did whack her with a hind foot once on a trail ride... She was too close for his liking. Taffy tolerates him: he follows her, not the other way around. Are any shows on the horizon for Jester and me? Time and money permitting, September or October may find us strutting our stuff. With more weight and conditioning he'll be ready at the ripe young age of 15. With healthy hooves and a gleaming coat, he is stunning. He lives up to his official name: First Class Contender.